Toastmaster Scott has stories of Perseverance and he was not the only one! Grammarian Steven introduced a very popular word of the day: STICK-TO_ITIVENESS which was quickly adopted by all members.
Three speakers today on the theme of Perseverance and stick-to-it tiveness( easier said than spelled):
Lara presenting “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” : on overcoming the challenges faced by a new Club President in 2019. Memorable quote” Keep following the yellow bricks below your feet even though you may not know where they lead.”.
Young presenting” When you can’t see a step ahead.” As he faces discouragement and doubt about his field of research, a young man remembers the words of advice and encouragement of his father and colleagues. Notable quote:” Don’t slam on the brakes( when water blurs your vision)”.
Jamie, presenting her icebreaker” My name is Jamie”. A story of tenacity, perseverance and success. Notable quote : ” My name is Jamie”.
I learned that we all have our stories of challenge, perseverance and victory. I am reminded again, that we share a common bond of humanity and that there is more to unite us than divide us.
Our next meeting is May 29th.