Takk Takk fyrir Þakka þér fyrir Kærar þakkir ( Thank you in Icelandic) to Justin K. for stepping in for Marti M. as the Toastmaster of the Day. Takk Takk : for saying “ Yes” to Marti’s call for a replacement, fyrir … the rest for the rest, namely wrangling speakers and helpers throughout the week and putting together a great program without losing steam or good humor!
The Word of the Day was “ Daring” and Paula L. and Neva C. acted as Grammarian and Timer respectively.
Speaker #1 was Victoria S. in her debut Ice Breaker speech. We learnt that Victoria, the “baby girl” of her family was well loved and very sheltered by her parents. She also felt isolated from her much older brothers and she has not shaken this feeling of and proclivity for isolation as a young adult living on her own away from home. As a student in the US, Victoria has come to realize that she wants to break out of a lifelong habit of isolating herself. By joining Seattle Sunrise Toastmasters, Victoria is making a bold statement and taking the first of many small steps to become the person she envisions herself to be.
Well done Victoria!
Speaker #2 ,Lara G., presented CC Project #6- Vocal Variety. In her speech titled “ Why Photography?”, she shared self reflections about her journey from being an aspiring actress to being a professional photographer. Through the years, Lara has discovered that photography is more than just a skill, it’s an art, the art of capturing the soul of her subject in a fleeting, unguarded moment. It’s making a connection through an unwitting moment of truth captured on film or in pixels. According to Lara, “ You can’t have a persona without space and time.”. We love seeing Lara’s persona as a photographer evolve at Seattle Sunrise.
Speaker #3, Matt K., presented “ Do Talk to Strangers”, project #3- Get to the Point, from the CC manual. Standing in front of the audience, with football in hand and a confident stance, Matt, a self- professed timid, sold us all on how to transform ourselves and engage complete strangers in conversation . Using humor, effective imagery , Matt delivered yet another thoroughly informative and enjoyable speech. My favorite parts how to disengage, creatively from lengthy conversations( this is when a date.with Beyonce…or Mick Jagger…comes handy!) and the movie worthy ending when Matt threw the football at a member of the audience- who caught it, thankfully- and said d : “ Next time, don’t be a stranger.!” with a twinkle in his eye. Cut! It’s a wrap!
Table topics were led by Saher A.
Steven, with evocations of penguin theme winter parties, complete with tuxedoed slip and slides and big egg shuffling races was voted Best Table Topic.
Aswini was voted Best Evaluator.
Two new members were inducted: Welcome to Victoria and Rachel!
Our next meeting is February 10th, 2018.