Speechcraft Session 5: “A Good Start”

Our closing meeting of Speechcraft kicked off at 7:45 AM. Toastmaster Dave brought Beth to the lectern to practice introducing a speaker.

  • Beth introduced Diane, who gave a speech on the Be in Earnest theme. Diane gave an animated talk on a movie she feels passionate about — Jaws, the 1975 aquatic thriller. Diane’s enthusiasm for this blockbuster was very evident!
  • Dave then introduced regular member Beth, who spoke on the Organize Your Speech theme about something she clearly felt just as passionately about: voice mail! As in, please don’t! Voice mail, explained Beth, is a relic of a bygone era in asynchronous communication, so reliance on it is not recommended for important messages. Thanks for the wake-up call, Beth!
  • Diane then introduced Nicole, who delivered her Be in Earnest speech on a topic she feels strongly about: organic produce. We were introduced to when and why to go organic. Thanks, Nicole!


  • Spontaneous speaking practice followed. Topic master Ray lobbed questions on the theme of “A Good Start.” Several too questions, including guest Ben. The show-stealer was guest Norma, who used her 1-minute answer to share the secret of a marriage getting off to a good start: have a good fight! Go Norma.


  • Our three speakers received 1-2 minutes of feedback, including suggestions for improvement.
  • Guest General Evaluator Norma gave helpful suggestions to speech evaluators and our guest speaker Jerry.


  • Special guest Jerry W. spoke to Speechcraft participants about how the Speechcraft process begins the process of learning better listening, thinking and speaking skills, which continues in the regular meetings of a Toastmasters club. He used concrete examples of how Toastmasters builds competence, which leads to confidence. Thank you, Jerry!


  • Two Speechcrafters who completed the course, Nicole and Diane, were presented certificates from Toastmasters International marking their achievement. Good going!


  • We meet again on 4/16 at 8:00 AM. Speechcrafters Raj and Dan are expected to finish up their final speeches and receive their graduation certificates along with John, who returns from an absence. Please check our TurboBase.com page for scheduling.
Posted in Meeting Summary

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