Speechcraft Session 3 – March 19th

We had a busy and fun Speechcraft meeting today!
Coordinator Dave E led off by introducing guest speaker Valerie T, who told us how to introduce a speaker in her talk, “Plan for a Smooth Flight.” Thank you, Valerie.
Next came three Ice Breaker (introductory) speeches from Speechcrafters Raj N., Diane B. and Nicole B. In talks titled “Me in a Nutshell, “Who I Am” and “The West Coast is the Best Coast,” our newcomers introduced themselves respectively and got started down the path to better speaking . Good job!
Tom led a brief Table Topics session, in which Scott C won the Best Table Topics ribbon.
John N. and Dan G. then gave their second speeches, from the Organize Your Speech project. We learned a lot about John’s passion for the game in “Why I Love Baseball” and heard harrowing personal stories in Dan’s “Early Morning Phone Calls & Text Messages.”
Speechcraft advisors Dave E., Lisa L. and Amara D. evaluated the Ice Breaker speeches; then Dan and John gave their first speech evaluations by evaluating each other’s speeches.
Dave led a discussion on speaking with conviction in a prelude to the third speech project, Be in Earnest, which Dan and John will tackle next week.
Each segment of the meeting was timed by Area 23 Governor Jerry W. Thanks for pitching in, Jerry.
Scott C. provided helpful feedback to the five speech evaluators in the general evaluation.

Posted in Meeting Summary