Mid-July Sunriser Report

Hello Again, here is another summary of our meetings at Seattle Sunrise Toastmaster. This is a combination of the month’s meeting thus far and hereby known as the Mid-July Summary. Tom, our President, opens every meeting with enthusiasm; customarily introducing themes for the meetings. July 2’s theme was “Beginnings,” a hint to the changing of the officer guard for Seattle Sunrisers. July 9’s theme was “Temptations,” a creative topic where many included the theme their speeches and extemporaneous discussions. July 16’s theme was “Madness,” yet another creative topic where many incorporated the theme their speeches and extemporaneous discussions, too, and perhaps hinting to the absent of those officers that make these meetings happen. Officers were at a training event held in Shoreline’s Conference Center on 16 July.

In keeping with Tom’s role as President, he introduces an important role for the meeting: The Toastmaster of the Day. The Toastmaster for July 2 was Mary, for July 9 was Aanya, and for July 16 was Scott. All toastmasters are expert speakers that carry the meeting along with ease and grace. As the meeting continue, the Toastmaster of the Day introduces the regular occurring Toastmaster meeting roles.

There is the Grammarian, who listens for creative uses of language, count filler phrases like “ummm” and “so,” and discuss the Word of the Day. The Word of the Day is a Toastmaster activity to challenge members to broaden one’s daily vocabulary. For instance, members had the opportunity to include the word “jaunt” (a short, fun excursion) into the speeches and extemporaneous discussions. The Grammarians for July 2 was Yanyan, July 9 was Holly, and July 16 was Alexa. All fulfilled their roles, mentioning creative phrases within members’ and guests’ speeches and discussions and inclusions of Words of the Days, with excellence.

The next role is the Timer. A timer responsibility is to express how each speaker has a set time to fulfill with speaking. When certain milestones are reached within speeches and short speaking opportunities, various colored sheets with become apparent. A green sheet means you are ready to finish. A yellow sheet means you are mentions concluding thoughts. A red sheet means you have to finish. Eric, Sanjiv, and Julie filled timer roles on the 2, 9, and 16 of July. Each explained, carried-out, and reported times of speeches and other speaking roles with precision and confidence. Great job, guys.

MichelleWe’ve had a dozen speeches from between July 2 through July 16. Many members participate not only in the actually speaking role; the feedback role is just as important. Here are the members and speeches accomplished. Michelle did a speech titled: “The Little Mashel Fails.” This was a Dramatic speech project. Michelle is an advance speaker who has accomplished introductory Competent Communicator (CC) Manual. Toastmasters Has many opportunities for a variety of speech types. The dramatic speech is a form an advance manual of projects. Ken did a speech titled: Ken“Yes, Your Butt Looks Fat in Those Jeans.” This was an Entertaining speech project. Ken loves shock value and this speech did just that. With a few laughs and a good story, Ken accomplished another style of advance speaking found in advance speech projects. Andy did a speech titled: “The Haunting of the Chew House.” This was a Folk Tale speech Andyproject. Another season speaker at Sunrise, Andy also challenges himself with advance projects like Folk Tales. Although, you wouldn’t be able to guess it, Andy is a natural story teller. Brett did a speech titled: “Lessons from the Bakery.” This was a Brettproject titled “How to say it, ” an introductory speech project. Toastmasters has a great way to break in new speakers with a variety (10 projects) that develop and hone skills to become a better speaking. Brett accomplished the “How to say it” project which focuses on methods of saying one’s speech to some more coherent and focused.

Yanyan did a speech titled: “My intercultural marriage.” This was a project titled “Organize your speech,” introductory speech project. YanyanAnother introductory speech project from the CC manual, Yanyan discussed a complex topic within the parameters of this project. Each CC manual project focuses on particular details of public speaking. This project focuses on organizing the speech with a clear begin, full body, and succinct closing. MeVince did a speech titled: “Financial Feasibility of Sustainable Construction.”  This was an off-project speech project. Some oft rule breakers attempt to wing it to see how to approach speaking from a disorganized and unfocused fashion. The CC Manual teaches one to use a set of skills that can prepare one to do off-the-cuff speeches. It was a demonstration of Toastmaster CC Manual skills. Growth from Icebreakers, to off-the-cuff speeches are recognized in Sunrise and feedback was most appropriate. Tom did a speech titled: “News then, news now.” This was a project titled “Research your Tom and Nicoletopic,” introductory speech project. Tom is redoing his CC Manual. Many Toastmaster members do the CC Manual over and over again. Practice makes perfect. Fundamentals are definitely a great way to hone basic public speaking skills; molding them into something great.Makoto Makoto did a speech titled: “Sharpening the Sword.” This was a project titled “”Your Body Speaks”, a body language introductory project. Makoto is a Japanese primary speaker, yet he stands in front of an English primary speaking crowd and makes the best of it. The courage of individuals public speaking in English as a second language is a testament of their courage and determination to communication with excellence. Makoto is definitely sharpening with communication skills sword at Sunrise.

CaraCara did her first speech: “Cara in a nutshell.” The Icebreaker, the initial speech, is a toastmaster classic. It’s designed to be a very achievable CC manual project. It’s stressful to some to speak publicly, so speaking about a topic where one has expert perspective is fitting. Sunrise maintains such an open, welcoming culture and Icebreakers are great for both the speaker and the audience. Peter did a speech titled: “How to conquer your Fear and Make your Dreams Happen Now.” This was a project titled “Your Body Speaks,” a body language introductory project. Pete is an Peteexpert public speaker. He strives to challenge himself to capture the audience’s attention, hearts, and soul in every word spoken. Your Body Speaks is like “How to say it” CC Manual project. Even great speakers like Pete hones basic skills; harnessing perfection. Aleli did a speech titled: “Breakdown.” This was a project titled “Inspire you Audience” speech project. Aleli is another great speaker that can capture the audience’s attention and mind with powerful messages. Speeches of the caliber hoist Sunrise into Distinguish status within Toastmaster. Guests and members alike are fortunately to listen greats like Aleli speak. Andrea did a speech titled: “A little too crazy.” This was a project titled “Leave ’em with a smile,” an advance speech project that opens and closes a serious topic with humor. Andrea accomplishes another advance project with great applicable in daily life. Speaking comes in many different forms, was Sunrise loves to explore.

Each speaker has an evaluator that also speaks publicly to critique particulars about respective speeches. Toastmaster provides templates to give evaluators to focus their feedback. However, templates are just a suggestion. Many speakers will ask their evaluators unique requests to hone specific skills in their feedback. The members at large at Sunrise also play a role in the feedback, in the form of small feedback forms. Feedback is healthy and essential for growth of one’s speaking skills.

This weekend is another meeting, bright and early 7:30am Saturday at Northwest Hospital in the North Seattle Neighborhood. We value new guests and always welcome new speakers. Members, enjoy another great meeting. The Theme is Victories & Failures. It’s gonna be another great time.

Posted in Meeting Summary

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8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Jan 25 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner
8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Feb 8 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner
8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Feb 15 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner