” Ready Enough values thought and preparation but acknowledges lingering uncertainty. Ready Enough has a plan, but knows that winging it is necessary” Judy T.
Fantastic meeting led my Sergeant at Arms Extraordinaire and Toastmaster of the day, Judy. Grammarian Bill chose most appropriate ( and popular) word of the day ” Swoosh”. Lara kept us on time.
Three terrific speeches by:
1.Moises : ” Fun Times In Mexico”. What do a cacomistle, an incident of road rage and a mysterious black bag left by former tenants have in common? You had to be here!
2. Isabella : ” Why Am I enjoying the Toastmaster Club?” How does it feel to look for a job in a language that is not your own? Can Toastmasters help? You had to be here!
3. Ahmad presenting his ice breaker speech: ” My first car” The first car, the first ride, the first parting tear. You definitely had to be here!
We swooshed past the poop, through the job interview challenges, on the road to our end destination at 9:15 am. It was a swoosh- sesh.
Our next meeting is March 27th. Be there!