June 13, 2020 “Itinerary 2020”

Scott provided theme of the meeting, as the presider and president introduced him as the Toastmaster of the Day. With his calm voice, Scott introduced the theme, and the other meeting roles, the Timer Isabella and Grammarian Paula. Petar was the table topics master. Jovica was the General evaluator who facilitated the last section of the meeting.

Aleli provided an impromptu pocket speech, not aligned to a particular education manual for 8:07. She shared her personal letter to her dad and had call to action for the members to call their love ones today. Bill spoke for 7:41 on Born Again, from the Project #4 Competent Communicator legacy manual, on the topic of equity and his changed views.

The evaluation section is one of most treasured sections of the Toastmaster meeting. It’s a section that is not prepared and demands the evaluator to improve in active listening, critical thinking, and delivering positive and useful feedback. They say it’s the heart of the toastmaster education program, the evaluations, as you observe the speeches and offer evaluations for your requested areas. Jovica introduced this section and the chosen evaluators, Young and Steven. Young provided his evaluation of Aleli’s letter-reading icebreaker. Steven provided his evaluation of Bill’s presentation, commenting that the gestures did not match the tone of the serious of the speech overall. For example, Bill started his speech with large gestures of falling over the side of his chair, but his speech was very serious with the sub-theme of the Black Lives Matter. Steven commented that when gestures and content are incongruent, it’s makes the audience feel uncomfortable.

The Toastmaster of the Day requested that club go back to its traditional practice of voting on the best table topics speaker and best evaluator. We took a virtual vote within the Zoom platform chat window. It was a tie for the table topics best speaker between Traci, Lara, and Judy. The best evaluator was awarded to Steven Ward.

Posted in Meeting Summary

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8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Jan 25 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner
8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Feb 8 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner
8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Feb 15 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner