For this first meeting of the fiscal year 2021-22, Toastmaster Sarah chose the topic of american history.
Sargent at Arms Bill Scott reminded us of zoom etiquette rules and provided weather forecast in the cities where members are joining from.
Toastmaster of the day continued with the story of Ralph Smedley and the beginning of Toastmasters as an organization.
Word of the day, presented by Grammarian Paula was athwart, meaning “in opposition to”.
Unfortunately Timer was not able to join, impromptu Timer for this meeting was Moises, who used zoom backgrounds to show green-yellow-red transitions.
Our two speakers for the day were:
Steven presenting “So, you want to add a bathroom?”, a speech about a well researched home renovation project, that included a tour to the bathroom-to-be with a spectacular view thru its floor to the bathroom downstairs.
Moises presenting “Seattle Sunrise Toastmasters, the podcast.” An interest case to persuade our club to share recordings of meetings on audio streaming platforms.
Table topics master of the day Jamie presented history quizzes and reminded us that in this occasion table topics were not recyclable. Was Abe Lincoln a wrestling champion??
In this meeting we learned about the history of Toastmasters, and that some great stories are not found in history books, we can listen to them in speeches!
Our next meeting is July 17th.
Thanks for writing the notes, Moises!