“ Independence and Growing Up”-meeting of July 8th, 2017.

This was Bill S’s first meeting as the new President of Seattle Sunrise: Welcome Bill!

Toastmaster Mission : a good one!

The word of the day, presented by Dilip  G.  was “ Copacetic” which means very satisfactory. Bill S. was the Timer.


On this first post July 4th meeting, Brett S, our Toastmaster,  spoke about his home country, Australia, a which is independent, yet still part of the British Commonwealth.

Speaker #1 Lidia S., presented her ice breaker titled : Learn, Read, Ski. Lidia who  was born and raised in Russia has a strong passion for learning, reading and skiing. Good students are respected and rewarded by  peers and teachers in Russia. Being a good student was also a skill that Lidia traded to get out of doing house chores.  Lidia’s love of  exercise and studying brings her to Sunrise Toastmaster where she will get plenty of opportunity to exercise her public speaking skills.

Learn, Read and Ski!

Speaker #2, Lara G., presented her ice breaker titled “ I’ve come full circle”. Lara’s passion, early on, was acting. Although life took her along a different career path, professional photography, Lara has decided to return to her life’s passion. Joining Sunrise Toastmasters is one of the steps she’s taking to return to the stage.

Heading back to the stage.

Our next speaker, Justin K. presented  the third ice breaker of the day titled “ Independence, there and back again”.  Justin, a native of New Jersey, showed a very strong independent streak: leaving home to study computer science at Virginia Tech and starting his own web design company as a student. With each passing phase, being independent meant going further, bigger and taking more risks. Justin ended up moving to New York where he met his future wife and moved to Seattle to be close to her family. For Justin, this next phase of his life marks a new phase in his life where he feels comfortable not being as independent anymore and settling down close to family.

Independence is part of growing up.

Our last speaker, Tom B, presented a three part speech titled: “ The successful negotiator” In part one, Tom shared the story of  the Louisiana Purchase in 1802 where James Madison successfully negotiated a budget increase to take advantage of a much better offer than was expected.

Tom shared and demonstrated successful negotiation tips using Daniel B. to act the part of a car salesman.  Tom walked away with a really good deal!
The third part of the speech would have consisted of a Q & A .

Table topics were led by Neva.

Kiki N. was voted best table topic and Zhou B, best evaluator.

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What do Mauritius Island, fashion design, Vaclav Havel, Poutine and the Emerald City have in common? Me! All these ways have led me to ( drum roll...) the Seattle Sunrise Toastmasters where friends and great speakers are made! I look forward to sharing my stories with you!

Posted in Meeting Summary

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Feb 8 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
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8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
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