Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests: Seattle Sunrise August 29 summary

Holy moly, what a fun morning was had at Seattle Sunrise’s Humorous Speech and Table Topics contests on Saturday!

The event was opened by our award-winning speaker and beloved President Peter and brilliantly, hilariously hosted by Marti.

Contest Toastmaster Marti warms up the crowd with her very funny jokes

Contest Toastmaster Marti warms up the crowd with her very funny jokes

We had six (SIX! That’s impressive!) speakers participating in the Humorous Speech contest. The competitors and their speeches, in order of speaking, were as follows:

Amy, “Oak Harbor Lights.”

Nicole S., “Finding the ‘Good’ in ‘Goodbye.’”

Mary, “The Incompetent Communicator.”

me, “Home Crap Home: My Battle with the American Dream.”

Dave E., “Taking a Walk in the Evening Can Be Full of Surprises.”

Katey, “Survival Skills in the Modern Office Environment.”

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Katey won First Place for her Table Topics definition of the word “yardang”

After an intermissions, Katey and I competed, fortunately not to the death, in the Table Topics contest, in which we both gave our definitions for the real-but-undefined-to-us word “yardang.” I was out of the room for Katey’s answer, and my own was so short that I was disqualified (sad trombone), but Katey goes on to represent Seattle Sunrise at the Area Table Topics competition! Congratulations, Katey!

The results for the Humorous Speech contest were as follows [drumroll]:

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Dave E. accepting his award for Third Place

Third Place: Dave E.!

Second Place: Mary!

Mary accepting her award for Second Place

Mary accepting her award for Second Place

First Place: Nicole S!

Congratulations to all the winners, particularly Nicole S., who will go on to kill at the Area speech contest. Yay, Nicole!

Nicole took home First Place in the Humorous Speech contest

Nicole took home First Place in the Humorous Speech contest

This kind of event is quite a big deal to put on and couldn’t be done without the hard work and help of a lot of our members and others outside the club. On behalf of all the contestants, I want to thank Peter, Marti, Nicole C., Kiki, Abdul, Aleli, Aanya, Tom, Kyle, Paula, Scott, and our guest judges Madeleine, Tina, and Lance.

With the contest season over for now, we resume our regularly scheduled meetings on September 12 at 7:30a.m. Aleli will be leading the meeting as Toastmaster and the theme will be “The Best Gift.”

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I'm a writer, editor, sit-down comedian, and keeper of many hobbies.

Posted in Meeting Summary

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Feb 8 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
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8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
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Feb 15 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner