Junlei filled the Toastmaster for the first time at our June 22 meeting. The meeting theme, “Firsts,” was fitting. 12 members and 3 guests were in attendance.
Our first speaker was Michelle who presented project #2 from the competent communicator manual. Her speech was titled “Unusual Children” and she spoke about the rabbits that she and her husband have raised. In her speech, she explained how to bunny-proof a home and revealed that rabbits can be trained to use a litter box. Michelle then encouraged everyone to consider adopting a bunny as a pet!
Our second speaker was Petra. Petra presented her third speech from the competent communicator manual, project #3 titled, “Ultimate Journey to Sierra Nevada”. In her speech, Petra described a hike that she and her husband planned to take in the Sierra Nevada. Several hours after driving to the trail head, they realized they had left their permit at home! Her speech was a description of the grueling drive back home to get the important documents they had forgotten!
Scott was our 3rd and final speaker for the meeting. He presented project 4 from the Entertaining Speaker manual. His speech was titled “Unwritten Rules” and he described the time that he had broken an unwritten rule about the appropriate (and inappropriate) uses of a sleeping bag. The moral of the story? Society has rules which aren’t written and everyone feels awkward when they are broken.
Madeleine led our table topics session and asked members to share a few memories of their first time doing something. Mary won “best table topics” by describing the first book she had ever read. In her response, she asked if anyone else wondered if there was better material available than a book about Dick and Jane running down the street.
Janell, Nicole, and Dick were our evaluators. Rich was the General Evaluator. Nicole and Janell tied for best evaluator.
At the end of the meeting, Scott reminded members that the Toastmasters year ends on June 30th. He thanked Madeleine, Nicole, Rich, Sonja, and Dave for their work as officers and reminded everyone that the new slate of officers would be in place for our next meeting, July 13th.