Don’t try this at home – Meeting Summary from March 23

Madeleine makes opening comments at the meeting

Madeleine makes opening comments at the meeting

12 members and 2 guests attended today’s meting.  Our theme was “Don’t try this at home,” Madeleine was our Toastmaster.  Madeleine opened the meeting by questioning the value of home improvement parties stating, “no good can come from inviting friends over and giving them beer & power tools.

Our first speaker was Scott.  Scott spoke about the upcoming club officer elections on May 11th and encouraged all members to consider giving back to the club by trying something new — serving as a club officer.

Steve and Michelle smile at Andrea's humorous speech

Steve and Michelle smile at Andrea’s humorous speech

Our second speaker was Andrea.  Andrea compared and contrasted living in Philadelphia vs. Seattle.  Food, weather, and sports fans were her main themes.  She also revealed that Philly sports fans are so fervent that the stadiums have their own courtroom used to settle disputes that arise during the game.  Who knew?!

Johan presented project 6 from the Competent Communicator manual on the subject of home buying.  As a Realtor, she sees the struggles of home buyers in Seattle.  The problem? Not enough houses available for purchase!

Johan presents on the Real Estate market

Johan presents on the Real Estate market

Our table topics master was Nagisa.  Nagisa asked a broad range of humorous questions.  One example was, “what would you do if you woke up looking like your boss?”  Our table topics winner was Janelle who revealed that she would choose to be a durian fruit as the polarizing attitudes thrust on upon her as a durian would lead to an interesting personality.

Janelle wins best table topics ribbon

Janelle wins best table topics ribbon

Patrick participates in Table Topics

Patrick participates in Table Topics

Our evaluators were Jun Lei, Dick, and Nicole.  Our general evaluator was Sonja.  Sonja praised all of the evaluators and specifically recognized Petra as having selected an excellent word of the day.  Nearly everyone incorporated it into their speech, which is always a good sign.  Nicole was voted the best evaluator.

At the conclusion of the meeting, our guests Subhabarata and Michelle both commended the club how much fun the meetings were.  Michelle submitted her membership application!  All right!

At the closing of the meeting, Patrick, Dick, and Andrea shared a “toastmasters moment” — an out-of-club experience where Toastmasters has helped them.  Patrick spoke about how Toastmasters has given him more confidence in presenting mood boards at work.  Andrea pointed out that she listens to speakers at work conferences differently than she had before.  Dick pointed out that Toastmasters has taught him that intelligence is not always correlated with good speaking skills.

Steve signals that time is up!

Steve signals that time is up!

Our next meeting is April 13th.  Our Toastmaster will be Mary!



Posted in Meeting Summary

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