Digging for treasure: Seattle Sunrise July 13 Summary

[Post by secretary-elect Andy.]

The Seattle Sunrise Toastmasters met June 13, with the session theme of Digging for Treasure. Rich served as our Toastmaster, Amy as Grammarian and Kiki was our Timer.

Aanya delivering her speech "Life from A to Z."

Aanya delivering her speech “Life from A to Z.”

The meeting had four speakers: Aanya, Andrea, Mark, and Andy. Aanya delivered a speech entitled “Life from A-Z,” in which she spoke about the joy, humor, and challenges of raising her two daughters, the eponymous Amy and Zoe. Andrea delivered a keynote address, “Keeping Focused, Being Happy” for her Professional Speaker Project #1, in which she rehearsed a speech she’s soon to deliver for a graduation ceremony. Mark gave a speech, “Leadership at 140 Degrees Fahrenheit,” detailing the history of a sweat lodge in Marysville where he’s participated in sweats, going into the details of the process involved and the personal connection and meaning it’s had for him. Finally, Andy delivered his speech, “The Lost Fortune of Mopsy Hunt” which told the story of his ancestors’ loss and efforts to reclaim a stolen family fortune.

Aleli led our table topics, which was performed in pairs. Preston and Scott took away the ribbon for the day.

Michelle accepting "Best Evaluator" award."

Michelle accepting “Best Evaluator” award.”

Our speech evaluators for the day were Shen, Nancy, Marti, and Steve, and our General Evaluator was Michelle, who won the best evaluator award.

As June closes the Toastmaster year, Shen led the election for new officers at the end of the meeting. The following officers were elected:

President: Peter

VP Education: David S.

VP Membership: Nicole S.

VP Public Relations: Marti

Secretary: Andy

Treasurer: Aanya

Sergeants-at-Arms: Preston & Chuck

Our next meeting will be held at the usual time and place on June 20.

Posted in Meeting Summary

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8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Jan 25 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner
8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Feb 8 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner
8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Feb 15 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner