December 29, 2020 – The 110 techniques of communication and public speaking

Seattle Sunrisers gathered this morning to celebrate the club’s last meeting of 2020. (We made it!)

Moises hosted the meeting which was inspired by David JP Phillips who spent 7 years studying 5000 speakers, amateurs and professionals in order to detail every single skill a communicator from stage or in a presentation uses in order to deliver their message. Here are a few tips from JP : tilt your head to increase empathy, decrease your tempo to increase your focus and lower your voice to increase anticipation. Much more here.


Steven and Lara served as timer/evaluator and grammarian/ evaluator respectively.

The word of the day was ” Articulate”

There were three great speeches with messages of struggles, growth and hope:

In his speech titled : Are we on the same wavelength? , Jovica shared the trials and tribulations of job interviews.
Bill speech ” My journey from fear to growth” was an inspiring origin story of reclaiming one’s silenced voice one step at a time, by making a conscious decision to move away from one’s comfort zone.

Vivi reassured the audience that it is ” Never too late to start” using her own story of searching for and finding her passion when she moved to the US. It is never too late to reinvent oneself.

Happy 2021 Seattle Sunrisers! We, at Seattle Sunrise, are seekers. And although we may not always find what we wanted to find, we always find something useful and surprising. I cannot wait to pursue our journey together next year!

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What do Mauritius Island, fashion design, Vaclav Havel, Poutine and the Emerald City have in common? Me! All these ways have led me to ( drum roll...) the Seattle Sunrise Toastmasters where friends and great speakers are made! I look forward to sharing my stories with you!

Posted in Meeting Summary

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8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Jan 25 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner
8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Feb 8 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner
8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
Feb 15 @ 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Meeting  Time  8:00 am (meeting starts at 8:20 sharp) Meeting Location Hybrid Meeting! If you can join us in person, meet us at The Rita Koontz Community Room in the U District WSECU Building 1121 NE 45th St. Seattle Corner