Dealbreakers! Meeting summary from 4/27

Dick tells a fairy tale

Dick tells a fairy tale

Seattle Sunrise Toastmasters club whipped up another fun-filled meeting this weekend.  12 members and 1 guest showed up to participate in the fun.  Our toastmaster was Rich who lead the meeting under the theme “dealbreakers”.

Our first speaker was Dick who told a fairy-tale that can only be described as a Cinderella for guys.  Our unsuspecting hero climbs a glass mountain using lynx claws to reach the princess.

Petra took the lectern as our second speaker.  She shared two stories about her hometown heroes  from the Czech Republic in her speech titled, “What a tour guide would not tell you”.

Our third speaker was Jun Lei.  Jun Lei presented an animated speech about how to overcome anxieties and get the most fulfillment out of riding an amusement park roller coaster.

Jun Lei shows everyone her visual aid

Jun Lei shows everyone her visual aid

Mary responds to a table topics question

Mary responds to a table topics question

Our table topics master was Scott.  Scott asked audience members to explain why they were considered the expert at “X”.  Our table topics winner was Mary who revealed her secret to being an expert at sneaking a 3rd carry-on item onto the airplane!  You had to be there.

Our evaluators were Janell, Johan, Sonja.  Dave acted as our General Evaluator for the meeting.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Scott reminded all members of the upcoming district 2 conference scheduled for May 11th and officer elections on May 25th.

Sonja wins best evaluator

Sonja wins best evaluator

See you in May!

Posted in Meeting Summary

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8:00 am Seattle Sunrise Meeting @ Hybrid
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