” Capture the moment.”  Meeting of August 19. 2017

Yanyan Z., Toastmaster of the day reflected of instances where a moment is caught in art, books, stand up comedy or even in front of an Toastmaster audience.

Kiki N. and Bill S. officiated as Grammarian and Timer respectively.

The word of the day was, fittingly, ” Ephemeral”, which means ” fleeting, for a short time.”

Zhou B. , in his speech titled” Don’t wait to be ready.” expounded on the main attribute of successful CEOs. Surprisingly, the ability to make quick decisions ranked higher than caution and accuracy. He used Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, as an example of a decisive and successful leader who is able to make decisions and take action to commit to these decisions.  Zhou presented Project #5 – ” Your body speaks” from the CC manual.

Lara G. presented ” Do you need a brand?”, a speech about personal branding. In the age of social media, if you are active on social media, you should be aware anything you post on social media will live on forever and may be used against you, especially by job recruiters. That’s why you should be aware of your brand online and be very deliberate in your profile and postings.

Aswini H. presented project #5-“Your body speaks”  from the CC manual. In her speech titled “Time Management skills- a five minute overview.“, she shared the main concepts of Steve Davidson’s book on time management. To improve your time management skills, try the following  :1. organize your tasks each day in order of high to low value activity.  2. Eliminate distractions- close your email, applications, cell phone and 3. Increase your productivity by exercising at least 30 minutes a day and  taking a break every two hours. Switching activity will help you pull back and refocus on the bigger picture. The goal is always to work less to become more efficient.

Marti M. presented project #3 from the Speaking to Inform Manual: The Demonstration Talk. The title of her speech was : “It’s all in your energy.” Did you know that when we stand in a circle and hold hands, we conduct enough electricity to make a doll talk?  If the circle is broken, the doll loses her voice. What an an eye opening demonstration that  we are sources of energy!   Using some pre-selected volunteers, Marti went on to demonstrate how intention channels our energy into action and also how different actions can support or disrupt our energy flows.

Folks, the machines were right: we are but mere batteries!

Our table topics master, Rodrigo R. posed a series of questions pertaining to moments and people we wished we could recapture. Kiki was voted  Best Table Topic with her recollection of two generations of women life smoking on the porch on  a languid summer evening.

Scott C. was voted  Best Evaluator.

Yanyan B. stepped down as the VP of Education and Zhou B. was approved as the new VP of Education.

Seattle Sunrise Toastmasters  Humorous and Table Topics competition will be held on August 26,2017.



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What do Mauritius Island, fashion design, Vaclav Havel, Poutine and the Emerald City have in common? Me! All these ways have led me to ( drum roll...) the Seattle Sunrise Toastmasters where friends and great speakers are made! I look forward to sharing my stories with you!

Posted in Meeting Summary

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