Baseball; Seattle Sunrisers Toastmasters, July 21, 2018

The theme for today’s meeting was “Baseball”, and Steven started us off on time as the General Manager/President of the club. Kathy was the Toastmaster for the day and greeted the audience with a warm welcome to all the “sports fans”. She used baseball phrases throughout the meeting and even had a seventh inning stretch with a rousing chorus of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.”

Rachel was the Grammarian and incorporated the word “Agog” into our vocabulary. Isabella was the timer and our unofficial shortstop for the meeting.

Sande gave her second speech from the Pathway  Team Collaboration, and shared tips and tricks to solve the New York Times Crossword puzzle. We learned that Mondays are the easiest day to solve, and the most surprising disclosure was that she finds them more stimulating than coffee!

May shared her icebreaker speech, “The New Method of Teaching”. She explained how technology has opened a door for students from a rural area in China, to learn English from her even though she is thousands of miles away.

Mike gave 6 examples on what to do to get rid of your unused and unwanted items by using Craigslist to help your junk find a nice home and a happy consumer.

Lidia evoked a ballpark with her famous cries of “get your peanuts” as she accomplished her goal of using vocal variety for CC speech #6. She used peanuts as a prop and shared the history of how peanuts became a staple food at ballgames.

Bill was our Table Topics Master/Relief Pitcher, and he shared how he comes up with his questions to ask the audience based off of the theme for the day. He suggested we use this strategy to plan what we might say if called to speak.

Rachel won the Table Topics contest. Paula’s bid for the best evaluator ribbon was uncontested.



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