Actions Speak Louder Than Words — Meeting of July 21, 2012

Club President Scott opened the meeting, welcoming guest Dick and members Dave, Sharon, Amara, Scott, Ray, Sally and Madeleine.
Meeting emcee and Speechcraft Chair Dave introduced the day’s speakers.

  • Sally spoke from the Organize Your Speech project of the Speechcraft manual. The topic was her childhood in rural China — the lessons she learned as well as the fun she had growing up in an environment of food scarcity. Sally learned not to waste food, not to overeat and to appreciate nature.
  • Sharon also spoke from the Organize Your Speech project. Speaking on finding balance in work life, Sharon suggested several pointers for having a less harried work life: write tasks down so you can get them out of your head, take time to relax each day, and practice the skill of saying “no” to requests.
  • Dick spoke from the Organize Your Speech project of the Competent Communication manual. He delivered an impromptu description of the working life of a test pilot. Dick took pains to dispel any Hollywood-inspired notions of test pilots as wizards of derring-do. In fact, test pilots are mainly geeks with wings — data hounds above the clouds.

Impromptu speaking (“Table Topics”) followed. Amara peppered the audience with questions about taking action (“Which role would you like to play in film or on TV,” “What book motivated you to action,” etc.). Scott won Best Table Topics with his answer on how he would love to play Agent 007 (“Bond, James Bond”) — the cars, the gadgets, the exotic locales. . .
Evaluations: Dick, Dave and Scott gave feedback and helpful suggestions to our speakers.

Business: Speechcraft will be extended one meeting to allow more Speechcrafters to finish their speaking programs. The next meeting will be a Speechcraft meeting and all Speechcrafters, members and guests are invited to take part.

Our next meeting will be 7/28 at 7:45 a.m.

Posted in Meeting Summary

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