13 August Humorous Speech Contest review

Welcome back everyone! We’ve reconvened from a weekend off. I hope all had a great break from toastmasters and were eager to return. 13 August’s Sunrise had willing members ready for Sunrise’s Humorous speech contest. Different than meetings as usual, the format shifted to allow for six contestants.


Andy was the Humorous Speech Contest chairperson, and curated the event. He organized the judges before the meeting to clarify some rules and procedures before the event. He briefed contestants on other procedure pertinent to them. Otherwise, other volunteers gathered and prepared for the contest. Andy introduced Nicole S. as the toastmaster of the Day.

Nicole carried the event with her happy demeanor, dropping bits of comedy along the way. Nicole explained some differences from the standard meeting versus the contest. For instance, Nicole stayed silence in between contestants. She mentioned that the Sergeant at Arms were assigned to polite remind audience members to stay for the event. It was a fine event, so I suppose that particular task was not necessary since everyone was well engaged in our contestants and Nicole’s performances.


Nicole warmed up the crowd with her take on the Augmented Reality’s debut in the form of Pokémon GO!. She described hilarious ways to talk the talk and literally walk the walk, into things, when it comes to faking being a Pokémon GO! participant. She was very convincing in her Pokémon phrases as members who play the game passively agreed. Nicole closed by explaining a for more procedural notes and roles for the event.


Johnny was the Timer. The Timer fulfilled a very similar role as the normal meetings. His responsibility for the meeting is to express how each contestant has a set time to speak. When certain milestones are reached within the bit or silent breaks in between, various colored sheets with become apparent. A green sheet means you are ready to finish. A yellow sheet means you are mentions concluding thoughts. A red sheet means you have to finish or move on to the next contestant.


First contestant of the day was Dave. He told a funny story about a walk with a buddy to pass the time between duty while serving a tour at a US Air Force installation in 1973 Vietnam. Apparently certain areas of the base were off-limits and were quiet, but interesting places to visit. Unfortunately, these locations were patrolled. This one night they thought they got caught. Security Forces charged M-16s and 50-cals and used a booming PA to announced to the Servicemen that they needed to stop. Signs in the areas do state that deadly force is authorized during any incursions, so they were scared stiff. Dogs were in the area, men were instructing them, but no one was to be seen in their immediate location. They decided to scan the horizon to see a Security Forces exercise in the distance. The boys were playing a game, just with vicious combat dogs and loaded rifles. The night turned into a big joke at the mercy of two unaware Serviceman and a great story of old service days. Dave is an expert story-teller and used a variety of techniques from the various Toastmaster manual. It was a thoroughly entertaining speech.


Kiki followed with her story about her eclectic Grandma. Kiki’s grandmother was not a typical. As a young woman in the 1950s, she scoffed at any institutions. She was a nun, just to leave the nunnery to marry. Marriage wasn’t her thing either as she chased off her only husband by grabbing a rifle and making him run in a scattered pattern to avoid being shot. As the legend continued, she did time at County and at Washington State Mental Institution. Kiki’s grandmother kids’, so her parents’ generation, were embarrassed of her. However, Kiki and her generation of relatives thought she was a hoot. You couldn’t eat the food she cooked. She’d asked for smokes and candy from her grandchildren when they’d visit. She had a unique wardrobe involving clothes that didn’t match her age and furs from old hunting trips stitch together as coats. Kiki stated a Catherine Hepburn quote, “If you always do what you like at least one person will be satisfied.” Kiki tells the best stories from her past and present. She is well on her way to exemplify those Toastmaster Storytelling Manual projects.


Kiki was followed by Marti and her story of her Toastmaster Marriage. Marti poked fun at the Toastmaster roles and routines. She used a technique from her mentor, Phyllis Diller, a very accomplished performer and recognized as one of the first female stand-up comedians. Marti described her husband, Fang, and how they met. They fell in live and had a son, Fang-too. Fang, Fang-too, and Marti went on ski trips and played tennis, then went to Toastmasters. Fang got obsessive with Toastmasters. Fangtoo’s first word was “so” and Fang explained how it was just filler. Fang limited Marti to 5-7 minutes’ speeches when they spoke. It was too much, Fang went to another Toastmasters group across town and they never spoke of Toastmasters at home again. Besides Fang-yet-again and Fang-oh-no-not-another-one wouldn’t be able to stand for any Grammarian reports for their first words, either.


Marti was followed by Tina and her performance called Conversation, Conversions, and Kittens. She led a sermon from the Church of I’m-gonna-convert-you-regardless-of-what-you-believe, a reference to her topic of the perils of marketing. She spoke of pairing–calling it perfection with pooped. She discussed a product study with two different types of pens, one a drabbed but highly advertised pen and another highly functional writing device that was poorly advertised. She poked fun at how if we paired everything with kittens, the world would be a well-advertised better place. She segued into how language can deceive. She discussed the use of colorful words covering up the realities of the concerns. She concluded her bit with a discussion on repetitive short phrases being perceived as true. Simple sentence seduces, she quotes. Tina had lots of energy on stage. She used vocal variety and body language on stage. Great job, Tina.


Eric followed Tina. Eric discussed his psychic experience. Eric and his roommate at the time, Kathy, decided to go to Cassadega, FL. Cassadega is known for having a large number of psychics and is named “Psychic Capital of the World” by those that can name things like this. Travelling from the Northeast and having limited funds, this was quite the adventure. When they arrived in Orlando, where Kathy had some family, it was made apparent that they needed an appointment and the psychics are usually booked out a year in advance. They didn’t make an appointment and it was quite dramatic for moment until Kathy worked something out. I guess the psychic knew they were coming. So there were off of Cassadega and finally met up with an individual named Alfred. It was then might to Eric that he was the patsy. See, Kathy was the motivator for this trip. It was her idea. Eric saw what was going on but played along. Either Alfred just was really good at cold reading and was well read or maybe he had the gift because Eric was astounded by the accuracy of the reading. Kathy on the other hand was stunned, run out of the home where these reading occurred, told Eric to get in the driver seat, turn on the car, and stomp on that gas pedal. Kathy was proposed to by Alfred. I guess he was her type. Alfred said something to Eric that was funny to him at the time, that he was going to move to Seattle. It was 1978; “Seattle,” asks Eric, “Blah, what’s in Seattle?” Eric shortly moved to Seattle where he’s been here ever since.


Ken, the last contestant, followed Eric with his bit, The Pig and I. Ken had a girlfriend named Michelle. One day Michelle and Ken went to the pet store. Michelle just happen to fall for a small “pigmy” pig, named Alex. Ken describe Alex as a portly little thing that sounded like a 1982 Buick Century accelerating with a bad transmission. Michelle asks Ken to buy the $400 pig. Ken reluctantly obliged. Alex grew several times his original size and weight 250lbs within six months. Alex hated Ken. Alex hoofed Ken with Michelle wasn’t looking. Alex would slobber over Ken’s pillow at Michelle’s place. It was too much for Ken. Michelle realized something had to give. They went on a trip, leaving Alex alone. Apparently Alex had separation anxiety and trashed Michelle’s place. Along with noticing hoof marks on Ken, Michelle had to make a choice. If you can’t be with the pig you love, love the pig you’re with.


After all the contestants performed their bits, ballots were collected. While the ballots were being evaluated by Andy, Nicole interviewed the contestants on stage. Kiki talked about how she was a good cook unlike her grandmother, having a preference for blackberry cobblers. Marti discussed her hobby for music writing, its similarities to speech writing, and how confidence is un-impeded energy. Eric talked about movies and how he incorporates the movie’s story into his sermons. His most recent film watched was Florence Foster Jenkins starring Meryl Strep. Dave talked about his favorite show, Dr. Who. He mentioned it’s the longest running television show in history, debuting in 1963. Ken talked about the triumphant human spirit and his love for motorcycles. Tina talked about playing board games and her favorite store, Marbles located in the Retail Core on Downtown and her Healthy Mind Night meetup (http://www.meetup.com/Healthy-Mind-Meetup/).


Each contestant received a certificate for participation after being interviewed. They all showed courage on stage, all performed the bits well, and entertain the audience thoroughly. Andy announced the winners of 13 August’s Humorous Speech Contest: 3rd went to Marti, 2nd went to Eric, and 1st place to represent Sunrise at the next echelon went to Ken. Congratulation Ken and all the participants for making the contest a success.

Next Saturday 20 August, the theme will Summer Reading. Yes, the dog days of summer are upon us and with the Northwest being how it is, these days won’t be around much longer. We look forward to seeing all next Saturday. Have a good week, everyone.

Posted in Meeting Summary

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