Seattle Sunrisers gathered this morning to celebrate the club’s last meeting of 2020. (We made it!) Moises hosted the meeting which was inspired by David JP Phillips who spent 7 years studying 5000 speakers, amateurs and professionals in order to…
Seattle Sunrisers gathered this morning to celebrate the club’s last meeting of 2020. (We made it!) Moises hosted the meeting which was inspired by David JP Phillips who spent 7 years studying 5000 speakers, amateurs and professionals in order to…
Last meeting of the month already. Meeting was led by Toastmaster and Multi-tasker Extraordinaire, Traci. Word of the day appropriately selected by Grammarian Wei Hu was ” Magnificent” as in : Oh you, Magnificent Strivers and Achievers of Work-Life Balance!…
Presented by Moises Marin on August 22, 2020 “You are going to live literally like a god and then at the end of the year, you’re a living symbol and we are going to sacrifice you!” How could you not…
Oleg kicked off the meeting by inducting a new member, Hannah, after reading the club’s mission statement. Ana , freshly back from her trip to Peru, opened the meeting with words of encouragement. Reminiscing about her beginnings at Seattle Sunrise,…