Delicious and original first meeting of the month with Marti M. officiating as Toastmaster of the day. The theme of the day was “ Yay! National Cream Cheese Brownie Day!” which was heartily celebrated with real, home baked cream cheese…
Delicious and original first meeting of the month with Marti M. officiating as Toastmaster of the day. The theme of the day was “ Yay! National Cream Cheese Brownie Day!” which was heartily celebrated with real, home baked cream cheese…
Takk Takk fyrir Þakka þér fyrir Kærar þakkir ( Thank you in Icelandic) to Justin K. for stepping in for Marti M. as the Toastmaster of the Day. Takk Takk : for saying “ Yes” to Marti’s call for…
Kudos to Steven W. in his first foray as a Seattle Sunrise Toastmaster of the day! Steven reminded the audience that diversity fosters more opportunities for growth than uniformity. He also pointed out that the multicultural and multigenerational membership of…
Paula L. was the First Toastmaster of the year, with Dilip G. and Brett S, acting as Guardian of the words( Grammarian) and Guardian of Time ( Timer) respectively. The word of the day was “ Tenacious”. Although New Year’s…