Spring Into Action — Open House Meeting of April 21, 2012

Four guests attended the Seattle Sunrise open house, including Sharon, Kathryn, Dillibe and our Division B Governor – Colin.  Amara led the meeting under the theme “spring into action”.  She called on members and guests to take charge and make their aspirations reality.

Raymound delivered his fifth speech from the Competent Communicator manual (Your Body Speaks) titled, “The Breakthrough in Self Discovery”.  Raymound spoke about the need for people to spring into action and take responsibility for their own lives.

The second speaker was Scott.  He presented project 2 from The Entertaining Speaker advanced manual (Resources for Entertainment) and proposed a solution to social awkwardness.  His suggestion:  use mace as a tool to break through the awkward silence and get people to spring in to conversation.

Our table topics session was led by Andrew.  Dave won “best table topics” by revealing that he springs into action a little too willingly.

Nicole and Colin evaluated Raymound and Scott’s speeches, respectively.  Because the meeting was led in an “open house” format, there was no general evaluator and no award was given for best evaluator.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Raymound was recognized for having completed his 5th speech since joining.  He his now half way through the Competent Communicator manual and progressing at an impressive rate.

The next meeting will be on 5/12 and will be in the atrium.

Posted in Meeting Summary