Summer Sports (Speechcraft Meeting No. 3) — Meeting of July 14, 2012

Ray, Nagisa, Dave, Dillibe, Sally, Johan, Scott, Nicole, Mineko and Madeleine were joined by guest Dick for round three of Speechcraft on the theme of Summer Sports.
President Scott welcomed founding member Madeleine and her friend Dick back from their 2-year stay on the E. Coast. After having all introduce themselves, Scott ushered in  meeting emcee Dave to lead the Speechcraft session. Dave in turn announced the presenters of today’s prepared speeches:

  • Scott told us how to give “An Organized Speech” — one that has an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Using handouts, he demonstrated how supporting material can be grouped to convey our ideas and explained how to write an introduction and conclusion.
  • Speechcrafter Mineko gave her second speech, “Stage Fright.” She described the symptoms of fear of public speaking and offered suggestions on overcoming this paralysis. These included not only the tried-and-true technique of deep breathing, but consciously expanding our peripheral vision as a way to banish panic.
  • Speechcrafter Johan shared in her Ice Breaker (self-introduction) speech her path from childhood in Taiwan to getting a green card, to working in a medical laboratory, to selling real estate!

Spontaneous speaking. Table Topicsmaster Dillibe plied the audience with questions on the theme of Summer Sports for our impromptu speaking practice. Dick took the Best Table Topic award.
Feedback. Ray, Nicole and Sally provided supportive comments and suggestions for improvement to the speakers.

Instruction.  Dave explained the importance of speech evaluation and set out some techniques for effective evaluation, which speechcrafters will try next time.
Adviser/Speechcrafter discussions. Speechcrafters were briefed on next week’s speaking assignments and had Q&A time with advisers.
Program chair Dave wrapped up and returned control to Scott, who closed the meeting.
Business item: The club is purchasing two official signs from Toastmasters to help guests find us on campus.
Next meeting: Next Saturday, July 21 at 7:45.

Posted in Meeting Summary